Sunday, December 13, 2009

More On Patin Fish @ Pangasius

The dory meat from Patin.

Since they are omnivorous, the Patin will generally eat all kinds of live, fresh, and flake foods. To keep a good balance give them a high quality flake food or pellet everyday. Feed brine shrimp (either live or frozen) or blood worms. As they get older they loose their teeth and become more and more vegetarian. These catfish get up to 39 inches (100 cm). Yes, over 3 feet long! When they are young they like to school up, but will become more and more solitary as the get older. They are generally a good community fish and can be kept with most size tanks. About their sexuality, you will note that the males are more slender than the females and have darker striping.

The Pangasius catfish are a beautiful fish to watch as they are very grateful and elegant swimmers. Yes. They do looks like a shark. They also need a lot of room to swim and are best kept in a group or school in a pond. They don't thrive as well if kept singly when small. These catfish does not possess the bottom dwelling habit we usually identify with most catfishes, but rather occupies the middle of the aquarium. They are constantly on the move and will occasionally go to the surface for air. These fish are also diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. Be cautious though, these catfish have bad eyesight and they are a nervous fish that can be easily spooked! (Mine got used to it and stop freaking out). If you put these catfish in an aquarium, don't tap on the glass or startle the fish as it is likely to injure itself in its' mindless flight. They can get hysterical when frightened and dash madly around the aquarium. They will often bash into the sides of the aquarium, ornaments or other fish. After such a flight, you may see the fish sink to the bottom of the aquarium and lie on its side or back until it recovers.

The Black Patin Recipe

Bon appetit~!

The Sour Boiled Catfish (Asam Rebus) is another favorite recipe and traditional way of cooking the Black Patin. There are a lot of delicious catfish recipes such as fried catfish recipe, baked catfish recipes, cajun catfish recipe, grilled catfish recipe, catfish fillet recipes, catfish steaks, catfish stew recipe, soups, chowders and more.

Note the fat (yellow colour). The Black Patin is known for its very smooth and oily flesh.

Looks like a shark.

The original Patin is very popular in the East Coast of Malaysia as these are caught from the rivers and sometimes in brackish water.

This Patin is 1.1 Kg.

Black Patin is a freshwater catfish reared in fish farms which most people shun because of the strong, fishy, ‘earthy’ smell. Over here in Malaysia, we mostly consume fishes from the seas as fishes are easily available as we are surrounded the oceans.

1 kg patin, cleaned and cut in three to five portions
Ingredients A
  • 6 pieces red chillies
  • 5 pieces red onions
  • 2 pieces garlic
  • 3 pieces lemon grass
Ingredients B
  • 1 piece of bunga kantan, sliced
  • 3 sprigs kesum (bot: polygonum) leaves (or substitute with mint)
  • 4 pieces of dried tamarind slices (asam gelugor) 
  • 4 slices of Turmeric a.ka Kunyit in Malay.
  • 750 ml water
Cooking Method
  1. Add ingredients A and blend them until fine.
  2. Mix the ingredients A and B in the pot. Cook for about 20 minutes under medium heat until boiled and until fragrance rises.
  3. Put in the fish and simmer until the fish is cooked for about 10 minutes. 

This traditional dish is normally served and eaten with the plain steamed white rice. It also makes for a wonderful dish if taken with fine or whole-meal wheat bread, pancakes and the roti canai.