Wednesday, March 30, 2011

River Fishing Tips

In my opinion, the most important thing to remember while river fishing is not to spook the water that you're about to fish. I've seen entirely too many anglers do this very thing. They're standing in the very water they probably should have fished first.

 The first tip is: When river fishing, remember to work the area that you want to fish in "sections". Don't just jump in and start fishing in the spot that you think looks the best or just fish the water directly below where you're wading. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Choosing The Right Food For Your Tilapia

Do you know that there are 3 types of food pellet used for Tilapia breeding? You can get this from your local supermarket.

Starter Fish Pellet - For small Tilapia (1 to 2 inches) or at least 100 grams in weight.

Grower Fish Pellet - For medium size Tilapia or at least 100 to 500 grams in weight.

Finisher Fish Pellet - For large size Tilapia, above 500 grams in weight.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fun Facts About Fish

Its been a while since I posted anything here. Ran into trouble with google but thats settled now. Got a better sponsor. Today I want to share some really funny fact about our underwater friends. Some of us like to keep pet fish, while others prefer to go out and spend the day catching fish. Either way fish are definitely one of God's unique creations. One piece of fun fact which seems to be under some debate is whether fish feel pain? I would tend to think they do. After all they are a living creatures. In this piece we will try and find some fun facts on fish. The next time you watch the fish in your tank maybe these little tidbits will go through your mind and make you think or at least smile.

Some fun fish facts:
  • -fish breath water
  • -they eat their own kind- that can't be very pleasant...sheeshhh